The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Lesléa Newman
Enjoyed chatting again with Lesléa Newman about her recent picture book - The Babka Sisters.

One Small Thing - The Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A gorgeous tender story full of empathy, kindness, and friendship.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Hanh Bui, Review of The Yellow Áo Dài, and Giveaway
Fun dicussion with Hanh Bui about her beautiful, touching debut picture book - The Yellow Áo Dài

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with May STEAM Team Authors
I talk with four fascinating STEAM Team books authors about their delightful books releasing in May.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Marsha Diane Arnold
Excited to interview the talented author Marshal Diane Arnold about her newest tender picture book - One Small Thing.

My Love For You - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF Plus Giveaway
This week's #PPBF choice is a sweet, loving board book on a parent's love and change.

The Picture Book Buzz - Soaring 20's May and June 2023 Releases
Fun to talk with 4 authors from Soaring 20's High Flying Books for Kids and Teens group about their books releasing in May & June.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Terry Pierce and Nadja Sarell + a Review of Hello, Meadow!
Fun talking with Terry Pierce and Nadja Sarell about their adorable new board book - HELLO, MEADOW!

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Lisa Varchol Perron plus Giveaway
Lots of fun talking with Lisa Varchol Perron about her newest board book, MY LOVE FOR YOU.