The Time Machine - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A touching book about building a time machine to go back and undo something hurtful said to a best friend.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Navina Chhabria and Review of Raaga's Song: A Diwali Story
Excited to interview Navina Chhabria about the inspiration and creation of her author/illustrator debut picture book - Raagaa's Song.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Kate Allen Fox and Review of A Few Beautiful Minutes
So excited to talk with Kate Allen Fox about the inspiration and creation of her stunning new picture book - A Few Beautiful Minutes.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Pauline David-Sax
Discussion with Pauline David-Sax on the inspiration and hopes for her new picture book - The Time Machine.

Potatoes for Pirate Pearl - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
This funny #PPBF book explores the treasures a pirate discovers in the middle of a potato farm.

The Picture Book Buzz - September 2023 Interview with STEAM Team Books Members
Seven spectacular authors discuss the creaton of their stunning #STEAM books releasing in September.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Sheryl Haft, Jeremy Holmes + Review of Mazie's Amazing Machines
So fun to talk with Sheryl Haft and Jeremy Holmes about the creation of their exciting new STEAM picture book - Mazie’s Amazing Machines.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Jennifer Concepcion
Fun talking with author Jennifer Concepcion about the inspiration for and creation of her debut picture book - Potatoes for Pirate Pearl.

Bábo: A Tale of Armenian Rug-Washing Day - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A delightful picture book that explores the author's memories of a joyful summer tradition in Armenia.

The Picture Book Buzz - Soaring 20's September 2023 Releases
Two wonderful authors from The Soaring 20’s High Flying Books for Kids and Teens have exciting books releasing in September.