Barnaby Unboxed! - Perfect Picture Book Buzz #PPBF and Giveaway
A gorgeously stunning, imaginative, and heart-warming picture book adventure about pet ownership, family, and friendship.

The Perfect Picture Book Buzz - Eric, Terry, and Devin Fan + Giveaway
So excited to talk with all three of the fantabulous Fan Brothers about their newest stunning picture book - Barnaby Unboxed!

Night Lunch - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A stunning #PPBF book perfect for bedtime or snuggle times which very subtly explores nocturnal animals and compassion.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Eric Fan and Dena Seiferling
Really fun to talk with Eric Fan and Dena Seiferling about their magical picture book collaboration - Night Lunch.

The Picture Book Buzz - Lizzy and the Cloud
Yeah! The Fan Brothers do it again!
Another gloriously captivating picture book by Terry and Eric Fan.

It Fell From the Sky - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
This week's #PPBF choice is the stunning, funny, and poignant new picture book by The Fan Brothers - It Fell From the Sky

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Eric and Terry Fan
I'm excited to interview the phenomenally talented duo Eric and Terry Fan - aka The Fan Brothers.