Stuart Kirkfield Scholarship - Highlights Foundation Giving Tuesday 2018
Today is #Giving Tuesday.

Earlier this year, I helped establish the Stuart Kirkfield Scholarship, to support writers and illustrators wishing to attend retreats at the Highlights Foundation.
So many within the writing community, family, and friends of Vivian Kirkfield contributed that we were able to fund four scholarships - two full and two partial - to three different retreats.
The Stuart Kirkfield Scholarship fund still exists. If you are looking for an organization to support for your "year-end" donation or just because it's "Giving Tuesday," check out the Highlights Foundation.
If you are interested in giving to this particular scholarship, go to [After you choose an amount & enter your contact information, click "Scholarship Fund" (under "Donation Designation"), and Stuart Kirkfield's name will appear.]
As many of you know, Stuart Kirkfield was an educator and financial guide to many, as well as a lifetime bamboo fly-fishing aficionado and author of “The Fine Bamboo Fly Rod: A Master’s Secrets of Restoration and Repair.”
In addition to being a self-taught artisan, restoring fine bamboo fly rods and antique fountain pens, painting in watercolor and writing in calligraphy, he delighted in and supported Vivian as a children's author. Stuart was her sounding board for every single story before her critique partners saw it. He played a pretty big part in her burgeoning writing career.
Thank you, wherever you donate your time and/or money, you're making the world a more caring place for all of us.