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The Picture Book Buzz

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with April STEAM Team Authors Part 2

Now I have the pleasure to introduce you to the second set of five authors from STEAM Team Books – a group of authors who joined together to celebrate and help promote their STEAM books. - with books releasing in April. I hope you forgive the length; I promise it's worth it. I do hope you enjoy this peek at these delightful books and their fascinating creatives.

"STEAM Team Books is a group of authors who have a STEM/STEAM book releasing in 2023. It includes fiction & nonfiction, trade or educational books.”

Welcome Roxanne, Carrie, Carol, Christine & Donna,

Tell us a little about yourself. (Where/when do you write? How long have you been writing? What is your favorite type of book to write? What drew you to STEAM books?...)

Roxanne Troup – My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (Yeehoo Press 4/11/2023) - I was an avid, early reader, but not of picture books. Though we had enough books to fill a small library in my house (my dad couldn’t bear the thought of throwing books away), we didn’t have many picture books. My siblings were much older than I, and my dad was a fifth-grade teacher, so most of our books were for older readers. It wasn’t until college that I discovered the magic of picture books. I went to school to become a teacher, and each year, my college hosted a fabulous children’s literature festival geared toward teachers and students. It was in those breakouts I realized that real people wrote and illustrated the books I loved. And though, at that point, I still didn’t consider writing as a career choice, the experience planted a seed that, many years later, I’m reaping from.

I’ve been writing since 2009—first as a freelancer, then as a ghostwriter which allowed me to stay home with my kids, and finally as a writer for the education market. I love writing educational books for kids; I learn something new every time I sit down with a new topic. But picture books are my absolute favorite. I love the way art and text combine to create something poignant and powerful (or just fun and silly). Doing both at once—through STEAM picture books—is like trying on a pair of jeans after Christmas to find that they still fit!

[Author of 10 books, including Devils Tower (Visit and Learn) (2023), The Alamo (Visit and Learn) (2023), The Circulatory System (Body Systems) (2022), Amazing Waterfalls Around the World (Passport to Nature) (2019), Deep-Sea Creatures (Creepy, Kooky Science) (2019), Amazing Lakes Around the World (Passport to Nature) (2019), Nasty Parasites (Creepy, Kooky Science) (2019), Detection Dogs on the Job (Helping Dogs)(2017), and Military Dogs on the Job (Helping Dogs)(2017).]

Carrie A. Pearson – Real Princesses Change the World (Roaring Brook Press 4/11/2023) – STEAM-related topics often have a common denominator of the unknown or little known, and I’m drawn to sharing them. Call me kooky, but I love it when I think, “I didn’t know that!” about some tidbit I bump up against. If I get the same response from someone else after sharing my tidbit, the story lightbulb in my brain clicks on. If I get that response from many people, I’ve found my next project.

[Author of 4 books, including Stretch to the Sun: From a Tiny Sprout to the Tallest Tree on Earth (2018), A Cool Summer Tail (2014), and A Warm Winter Tail (2012).]

Carol Doeringer – If You Wake a Skunk (Sleeping Bear Press 4/15/2023) – I write in the treetops. My home sits on a steep woodland bluff, next to a canopy of trees whose roots are far below. It’s a front-row seat to nature’s daily wildlife show. My favorite books to write are about critter behaviors that surprise, puzzle, sadden, or amuse me. STEAM is a glove fit for exploring and writing about my wildlife neighbors.

[Debut Author]

Christine Layton – Light Speaks (Tilbury House 4/18/2023) - I work a full-time job in education, so I mostly write on the weekends. Sometimes I’ll squeeze in a brainstorm over lunch, but writing takes focus! I got published in magazines when I joined SCBWI nine years ago. That’s when I began to study picture books and publishing seriously, like it was a class. I love to write short pieces, like picture books, short stories, and short nonfiction books. I write about STEAM topics for the kids like me who hated math and science class but loved to get lost in books. I think STEAM Team books open doors to learn about serious topics in fun and imaginative ways.

[Author of 8 books, including Developing Self-awareness (Teen Guide to Social & Emotional Skills) (2022), Beyond the Solar System (Space Exploration) (2022), Travel to China (Searchlight Books ™ ― World Traveler) (2022), Travel to Russia (Searchlight Books ™ ― World Traveler) (2022).]

Donna McKinney - Lights On! : Glow in the Dark Deep Ocean Creatures (Yeehoo Press 4/25/2023) – My favorite place to write is at home. I have a sunroom porch with lots of windows and skylights. It has a very outdoorsy feel, but with all the comforts of being indoors. That room is my favorite writing spot.

I worked as a science writer for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, for 30+ years. When I retired from that job a few years ago, I turned my focus to writing for children.

Although I enjoy reading fiction and non-fiction, all of my writing has been non-fiction. Since I had written about science for adults for many years, writing STEAM books for kids seemed like a very natural place for me to land.

[Author of 21 books, including The Presidents Encyclopedia (United States Encyclopedias) (2022), Women in Soccer (She's Got Game) (2020),How Do Smartphones Affect Social Interaction? (Smartphones and Society) (2020), Excelling in Soccer (Teen Guide to Sports) (2019), How STEM Built the Greek Empire (How STEM Built Empires) (2019), Camping/Hiking (Outdoor Adventures) (2019), Stem in Snowboarding (Stem in Sports) (2018), Helium/Carbon/Lead/Potasium (Exploring the Elements) (2018), and Careers for Tech Girls in Graphic Design (2018.]

You are all so amazing. What is the most fun or unusual place where you’ve written a manuscript?

Roxanne Troup – I do most of my writing in my home office, though I love to draft out on my deck when the sun is shining. It’s quiet and warm and a great change of scenery.

Carrie A. Pearson – I wish I had an exciting answer for this (“inside a dirigible!” “in a rainforest tree fort during a monsoon!” etc.). However, my manuscripts aren’t written quickly enough to take advantage of an unusual place. Instead, they are an exercise in dogged perseverance written digitally on my home computer or travel laptop. Boring, I know.

Carol Doeringer – Once, while kayaking, I worked on fixing a manuscript’s rhyme and meter. I had memorized stanzas that weren’t quite right. I recited them out loud, playing with words as I paddled. When I came up with a possible solution, I put down my paddle and reached for the old-fashioned voice recorder in my shirt pocket. I came home with several good choices for each stanza that had given me fits.

Christine Layton – I would love to do an exotic writers’ retreat in a remote, beautiful place. But my writing experience is a little more mundane than that. Actually, I get a lot of ideas while I’m teaching English class. The students make cool connections or say something truly bizarre that gets us all thinking about a unicorn’s skeleton or whether or not a cupcake could form in nature. That’s the start of a manuscript hastily outlined in the teacher’s lounge!

Donna McKinney - Sometimes, I work on my writing while walking my two dogs. (We take several dog walks every single day!) So I can’t write a whole manuscript while dog-walking … that would not work. But I do talk out loud specific lines of a story that I’m working on at that time.

Ha! Now that we know a little more about all of you, what inspired you to write your book?

Roxanne Troup – My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (4/11/2023) – I discovered a YouTube video of a farmer harvesting from his pecan orchard and was flabbergasted when he grabbed hold of the tree’s trunk (with his tractor) and shook. Pecans thundered to the ground like rain. This was very different—and much louder—than the way we harvested pecans. As a child, we gathered pecans in buckets after a strong wind blew them down. I’d never thought about how the commercial pecan industry did it, and I thought kids would find that tree-shaking-scene as fascinating as I did.

Eventually, the dichotomy between my experience and my research of the commercial pecan industry provided the structure for my book.

Carrie A. Pearson – Real Princesses Change the World (4/11/2023) – My inspiration came from watching our three daughters and many other children “playing princess” over the years. They modeled their play from what was available--fairy-tale princesses in books and franchised princesses in movies--all caricatures of real women from royal backgrounds. I knew that there must be another version of princesses that would shift our perspective. I researched several real princesses worldwide and learned about their careers, community service, and real work to improve the world. I shared the information with my agent, Kelly Sonnack, and she responded with a version of, “I didn’t know that!” So, a new project and, eventually, a new book were born.

Carol Doeringer – If You Wake a Skunk (4/15/2023) – My story inspiration goes back decades, when a dozen or so striped skunks often dined on grubs in my grass. Unlike the campers in my book, I respected the little stinkers’ warnings. More recently, I learned that spotted skunks send some of those signals while performing a handstand. I could not resist writing about these armed and odorous acrobats.

Christine Layton – Light Speaks (4/18/2023) - Light Speaks started as an idea during an observation of an elementary school science class. The kids were learning about light and sound. The lesson plan stuck closely to human-made technology like an ambulance using light to warn people or a stoplight using light to say “go,” “caution,” or “stop.” The kids already knew all of the examples from the lesson plan. But humans aren’t the only ones who use light to communicate. What about the ways we interpret lights in nature? What about fireflies? Light Speaks became a sort of poem about light, an ode to the many ways people and animals communicate with light.

Donna McKinney - Lights On! : Glow in the Dark Deep Ocean Creatures (4/25/2023) – Somewhere along the way in my career as a science writer for the Navy, a scientist described these deep-sea creatures that glow in the dark to me. I vividly remember that conversation and being fascinated by the idea. Fast forward lots of years … I recalled that conversation and began to do the research that became the book Lights On!

So many different ways for a story spark to start. What do you like to do outdoors by yourself or with your family and friends?

Roxanne Troup – I live in the mountains, so my family and I enjoy hiking and floating/tubing in the summers, and snowboarding and snowmobiling in the winter. (Sometimes the boys go ice fishing or hunting, but not me! I prefer a warm fire and a good book.) During the school year, we spend a lot of time at sporting events—both indoor and out.

Carrie A. Pearson – We live on the shore of Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This lake is more like an ocean because it is so big and deep. I’m in awe of its power and the impact on our weather. When not writing or revising, I’m skiing or snowshoeing in the winter, wave surfing, paddleboarding, and beach walking in the summer, and hiking all year round. Being outdoors centers me, and the grandeur of Nature reminds me that small things are truly small things.

Carol Doeringer – Besides paddling, a favorite activity is doing nature scavenger hunts with grandkids. Instead of a list, I give them photos. They search for cool things like leaf galls, egg cases, leaf miners, fungi, and creatures that are masters of camouflage. I love helping the kids become curious, instead of squeamish, when they explore our woods.

Christine Layton – When my sister lived in Hawaii on the Big Island, we took a nighttime hike up Mauna Kea to the observatory. The sheer number of stars in the sky was mind-blowing! Now, my husband and I are exploring stargazing in Colorado. The state is home to ten international dark sky parks. We want to visit them all!

Donna McKinney - I love hiking! A few years ago, a friend and I set a goal to hike in all the North Carolina state parks. There are 41 state parks, and we completed our hiking goal in an 18-month period.

I want to hang out with all of you. These all sound wonderful. Is there anything special you want your readers to know about your book?

Roxanne Troup – My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (4/11/2023) - The pecan is the only tree nut native to North America, and was an important component to Native America diets centuries before Europeans arrived here. But the commercial pecan industry is relatively new, and that wouldn’t exist if not for the ingenious idea of a man called Antoine. Antoine was an enslaved gardener in Louisiana who developed a grafting technique that allowed growers to produce large, thin-shelled pecans on hardy wild stock.

In 1876, his pecans were showcased at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition representing the state of Louisiana—and won an award! They named his pecans the “centennial” cultivar, and a few years later, growers from all over the country began using Antoine’s technique to grow consistent varieties of pecans.

Carrie A. Pearson – Real Princesses Change the World (4/11/2023) – I’d love readers to know how inspired I am by people who see a problem and work to fix it. Whether an issue is tiny or huge, change is possible. The ‘DREAM BIG’ questions at the end of the book are meant to encourage and energize our future change-makers.

Carol Doeringer – If You Wake a Skunk (4/15/2023) - What’s special is what’s missing from the text. Here are a few words: ‘Silly you, still standing there. See his nostrils? Watch them flare. Sniff… He gets a whiff of you. Shoo! Before he sees you, too.’ Nowhere does the text say who ‘you’ are. I gave no hint in the story. I included no art notes. Florence Weiser, the illustrator, gave the story its campers plus another character I’ll leave as a surprise. Not only does her fantastic art define ‘you,’ it adds an emotion-packed layer to the story. Picture book writers are admonished to leave room for the illustrator. I’m so glad I did exactly that.

Christine Layton – Light Speaks (4/18/2023) - Light Speaks is a conversation starter for talks on technology, communication, and conservation. Readers will recognize familiar subjects like fireflies, movies, and cars. The book stretches past the familiar to include light from space, bioluminescent light, and the impact of artificial lights on nature. The end pages include information about light pollution, which is a reversable type of pollution that kids can take an active part in fixing.

Donna McKinney - Lights On! : Glow in the Dark Deep Ocean Creatures (4/25/2023) – Everything that happens in my story happens in a world of total darkness. I knew it would be challenging to illustrate a story set in such a dark world. The illustrator my publisher chose for the project, Daniella Ferretti, did an amazing job of bringing the light into the dark ocean world through her illustrations. I love the art!

What was the hardest, or most challenging, part of writing or researching your book? Was there a bit of your research you didn’t get to include?

Text © Roxanne Troup, 2023. Image © Kendra Binney, 2023.

Roxanne Troup – My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (4/11/2023) - The information and structure of My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me were easy to draft, but I knew I needed something more—some sort of storytelling vehicle—to turn this information into a picture book. I chose to do that through an intergenerational family relationship. And though the hint of that relationship is present in my first drafts, it took me a while to figure out how to make that relationship more central to the story so the illustrator could really highlight it in her art. (The title was also hard. That took multiple heads coming together—both in my critique group and at the publishers.)

Text © Carrie A. Pearson, 2023. Image © Dung Ho, 2023.

Carrie A. Pearson – Real Princesses Change the World (4/11/2023) –

The most challenging part of writing this book was focusing on only one aspect of each princess to highlight. They are involved in many fascinating projects and have vital interests, but we had to select one theme to center them on. It was tough!

Text © Carol Doeringer, 2023. Image © Florence Weiser, 2023.

Carol Doeringer – If You Wake a Skunk (4/15/2023) – Biologists have documented skunk behavior for decades, so written accounts are easy to find. There were inconsistencies about the spotted skunk’s spraying posture. But that was easily resolved by asking a spotted-skunk researcher for help. I’d say the most challenging part of this project was its story arc. As the skunk changes signals from page to page, I had to build tension without being repetitive.

Text © Christine Layton, 2023. Image © Luciana Navarro Powell, 2023.

Christine Layton – Light Speaks (4/18/2023) - It was a total joy researching lights in technology and nature! The hardest part was narrowing the focus. The book ended up covering topics from Kindergarten to about 5th grade. Along the way, there was a whole set of science standards about engineering a device that can communicate using light and/or sound. I wanted to include that so much (for the teachers!) but to keep the focus tight, that part was cut. I think the book is better off as a “hook” or conversation starter to introduce the topics that might lead to a really cool Problem Based Learning unit that could include an engineering design challenge.

Text © Donna McKinney, 2023. Image © Daniella Ferretti, 2023.

Donna McKinney - Lights On! : Glow in the Dark Deep Ocean Creatures (4/25/2023) – The creatures described in my book live in the deepest parts of the ocean. Even among scientists, little is known about some of the creatures, just because the opportunities to study the creatures is so limited. So I worked hard to be sure I was finding all the best research studies available on these creatures. I wanted my story to be as accurate as possible.

I really enjoyed reading and learning about each of these books! Are there any upcoming projects that you are working on now that you can share a tidbit with us?

Roxanne Troup – I do have another STEAM picture book under contract, this time a rhymer, but it’s not yet been announced. I *think* I can say that it’s about space.

Carrie A. Pearson – I am working on a project about animal gestation with many “I didn’t know that!” aspects, from how a minute mouse whisker develops into a sensory superpower to how a wallaby bulks up in utero before it crawls the length of its tall mama’s belly and down into her pouch.

Carol Doeringer – I have several STEAM manuscripts nearing submission, inspired by my wildlife neighbors. Also, I just started working on what might turn out to be a wacky woodland whodunnit.

Christine Layton – I enjoyed writing about light so much! I would love to write a picture book about sound next. I’m also still wondering if a cupcake could form in nature. Maybe if there was a hurricane in the sugar cane… and a stampede in the wheat… and a gorilla carried the vanilla…

Donna McKinney - I’ve got a story about whale songs in the works. Whales are amazing musicians!

These all sound so interesting! We'll have to keep our eyes open for them. What’s something you can’t do without either for your writing or for yourself?

Roxanne Troup – For writing: my desktop computer (I don’t do well on laptops) and a good Internet connection. For myself: family and nature.

Carrie A. Pearson – I can’t do without for writing, my family and friends for belonging, and nature for perspective.

Carol Doeringer – I could not write without my office windows! They’re huge, giving me not only incredible, inspiring wildlife views, but they also flood my work area with natural light. What a mood lifter during Covid’s days of isolation! The light and view also recharge my mental batteries when I get a rejection, or when putting words on a page gets frustrating.

Christine Layton – I cannot do without my friends! I’ve met so many cool authors, illustrators, and all-around creative people through STEAM Team. It’s such a cool group to be a part of. I love the conversations happening around STEAM books. The book creators and book readers are just awesome!

Donna McKinney - I’ll go with a fun answer and say Reese’s peanut butter cups. That bite of peanut butter and chocolate is the perfect treat when you’re writing (or doing anything else too). [Ha! 😊]

Last question, what is the best advice you’ve ever gotten - whether it’s regarding writing/ illustrating or not ?

Roxanne Troup – There’s just some things you don’t know you don’t know—until you know. Meaning, you can only take yourself so far, so don’t be afraid to get feedback. (But do your best to make sure you are getting feedback from people who actually know!)

Carrie A. Pearson – This pearl was given to me years ago by a former boss when I wrote business plans instead of children’s books. She told me to ‘trust myself and trust my process.’ She was right; whenever we create anything public facing, we set ourselves up for critique, requested or otherwise. It’s easy to let the possibility of judgment gobble up the space that our intuition and experience should hold. Don’t let it. [❤️]

Carol Doeringer – Early on, someone said, ‘write what you’re passionate about.’ I agree. Writing about nature and wildlife means research rarely feels like work. Plus, it pays off even when a manuscript never becomes a book. For me, exploring the who, what, where, and why of nature is as rewarding as getting published. Well, almost!

Christine Layton – “You can do anything you want, but you can’t do everything you want.” If you’re like me, you might have hundreds of half-started ideas and doodles filling your notebooks. A lot of them won’t turn into anything, and that’s okay. When something special comes along, you can focus in on it and make it happen!

Donna McKinney - When I was just starting to write for children, I read interviews with published writers and I kept seeing similar advice, which was to “read, read, read!” lots of children’s books like the one you want to write. So I have spent a lot of time reading the best non-fiction kids’ books being published each year. And it has been so helpful in my learning process.

All such amazing advice - thank you! NOW, let me take a moment to introduce you to these amazing STEAM books!

My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me by Roxanne Troup, illustrated by Kendra Binney (Yeehoo Press 4/11/2023) - A loving, gentle story of the relationship of a girl and her grandfather shown through their interactions with a special pecan tree he planted on her birth. It's a great STEM examination of the contrast between the modern, mechanized care required in of a commercial pecan orchard and the natural, individualized care of the girl's pecan tree. A super special ending and additional information about pecans, pests, and harvesting machines in the back round out this wonderful book.

Synopsis: In this moving tale about the depths of love and care a grandfather and granddaughter have for one another, author Roxanne Troup and artist Kendra Binney deliver a timeless story sure to become a classic.

Of all the trees in Grandpa's orchard, one tree is his favorite--a pecan tree, planted for his granddaughter on the day she was born.

As the seasons change, the leaves unfurl and fall again while Grandpa tenderly cares for each tree in his orchard. Sometimes they need pruning, sometimes they need feeding. They all need harvesting, and the granddaughter loves watching the tractor hug the trees' trunks and shake until leaves and twigs and pecans rain down.

But not the child's tree--her tree is special. It is not a part of the orchard. It's for just the two of them and all the ways their relationship grows as they care for this special tree: tending its roots, harvesting its pecan treasures, and creating something delicious together.

Real Princesses Change the World by Carrie A. Pearson, illustrated Dung Ho (Roaring Brook Press 4/11/2023) – This wonderful book is a collection of 15 mini biographies which focuses in one thing which each of these princesses do to make their country or the world better. Such as helping kids have better childhoods, ensuring the survival of their customs, legally advocating for women, or creating solar lights for those without electricity. These are strong, educated, forward thinking women dedicated to ensuring rights and protecting the environment, who also happen to be princesses. A fun "Who said it?" quiz and a series of "Dream Big Questions" offer kids (and adults) a chance to think about how they, too, can change their communities or the world. Synopsis: Real Princesses Change the World is an inspirational and diverse picture book profiling 11 contemporary real-life princesses and 4 heirs apparent from all around the world.

There are so many ideas of what princesses are: Princesses are sweet, beautiful, and gracious. Princesses wear poofy dresses and strut about their castle. Princesses are just missing a handsome prince. But what message does that send to the children who look up to them?

This picture book compiles biographies of 11 different princesses, highlighting who they truly are: diplomats, engineers, activists, athletes, and so much more. It focuses on their achievements and contributions, situating them as active members in the global and local community. From Nigeria to Japan, Saudi Arabia to Sweden, and Thailand to Tonga. This picture book takes readers on a trip that spans the whole world.

With stunning portraits done by bestselling illustrator Dung Ho (Eyes that Kiss in the Corners), Carrie A. Pearson's Real Princesses Change the World showcases princesses in an empowering, feminist light that is both accessible and engaging for young readers.

If You Wake a Skunk by Carol Doeringer, illustrated by Florence Weiser (Sleeping Bear Press 4/15/2023) – A rhyming romp with a fun narrator, whose second-person voice appears to be addressing a pair of campers who've encountered a skunk seamlessly brings the reader along on the adventure. The backmatter includes some skunk facts a bit about their spray.

Synopsis: Oh-oh! A skunk! What's a pair of campers to do? This laugh-out-loud cautionary tale will have readers cringing as each page is turned. Tension builds as the campers creep closer and tempt fate, dismissing the skunk's warnings. But skunks can be fakers. Does this one have the stink to stank the campers? Title includes back matter about skunk biology and behavior, and supports elementary NGSS units related to animal survival and adaptations.

Light Speaks by Christine Layton, illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell (Tilbury House 4/18/2023) - Dreamy illustrations of a family's camping trip, accompany a lyrical exploration of the nature of light throughout the universe and how it's used by humans and animals. A wonderful book for introducing the mysterious, scary, misleading, and celebratory aspects of how light surrounds and communicates with us. Additional information in the back offers "more about light."

Synopsis: An enchanting picture book about the joyful, mysterious, awe-inspiring messages of light, whether emanating from a firefly or the sun, fireworks or the Big Bang, boats at sea or a bolt of lightning, a movie projector or a rainbow. Luciana Navarro Powell’s illustrations follow a group of kids through a magical day and evening in a seacoast town, while Christine Layton’s lyrical text explores the natural history of light. Backmatter provides further adventures in the science of light.

Lights On! : Glow in the Dark Deep Ocean Creatures by Donna McKinney, illustrated by Daniella Ferretti (Yeehoo Press 4/25/2023) – The vertical orientation of the beautiful book highlights the lyrical comparison of the ocean's surface and the deep, dark depths where amazing creatures live. Tucking the sidebars underneath flaps adds to the mysterious aura and provides an element of discovery for the reader. An ending note introduces bioluminescence and questions scientists are still investigating.

Synopsis: A thrilling journey to the mysterious, dark world of the deep sea, where fascinating creatures make their own light!

Young readers will encounter the viperfish, that hunts with a blinking beacon to lead unsuspecting prey into its mouth; learn about the glowing fireworm, rising from the depths in a glowing cluster to search for a mate; discover how the bioluminescent vampire squid evades predators with its twinkling lights.

Join author Donna B. McKinney and illustrator Daniella Ferretti on a thrilling journey to the mysterious, dark world of the deep sea, where fascinating creatures make their own light!

Thank you all for giving us a little peek into yourselves and your books. Wishing you all enormous success.

To learn more about these writers, or to contact them:

Roxanne Troup – My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (Yeehoo Press 4/11/2023)

Carrie A. Pearson – Real Princesses Change the World (Roaring Brook Press 4/11/2023) –

Carol Doeringer – If You Wake a Skunk (Sleeping Bear Press 4/15/2023) –

Christine Layton – Light Speaks (Tilbury House 4/18/2023)-

Donna McKinney - Lights On! : Glow in the Dark Deep Ocean Creatures (Yeehoo Press 4/25/2023) –


Maria Marshall

 Photograph © A. Marshall

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