The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Leah Moser and Review of I Am a Thunder Cloud
Enjoyed talking with debut author Leah Moser about the inspiration and creation of her picture book - I Am A Thundercloud.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Chiara Colombi and Review of Rocket Ship, Solo Trip
So fun to talk with debut author Chiara Colombi about the inspiration and creation of her picture book - Rocket Ship, Solo Trip.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Chantal Bourgonje and Review of Searching For Home
Interview w/Dutch author/illustrator Chantal Bourgonje about creating her humorous and touching new picture book - Searching For Home.

The Time Machine - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A touching book about building a time machine to go back and undo something hurtful said to a best friend.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with A.J. Irving and Review of The Wishing Flower
Excited to talk with A.J. Irving about the inspiration and creation of her newest picture book - The Wishing Flower.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Barbara DiLorenzo
Behind the scenes w/Barbara DiLorenzo exploring the real events & goals behind her stunning book on lockdown drills, fears, and listening.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/Sarah Bagley Steele and Revies of The Happiest Kid
Meet author Sarah Bagley Steele and her debut picture book The Happiest Kid.