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The Picture Book Buzz

The Picture Book Buzz - Jammin' June Books

There was NO way I could highlight all the wonderful authors and illustrators and their amazing books which release in June. So I decided to do a quick shout out for a few of the books I wish I had space for. Each of these five books are stunning and absolutely worth a read and a place in one's library.

Noodle and the No Bones Day by Jonathan Graziano, illustrated by Dan Tavis (Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster 6/7/2022) (Ages 4-8)-

When a "happy, silly, stubborn, sweet" and ordinarily active pug melts into a puddle in his comfy, snuggly bed, and nothing makes him budge (including a squirrel outside the window!), his owner makes an important discovery for both of them. A wonderful book about learning to enjoy a day to recharge. [Be sure to check out the awesome discussion guide & activites].

Synopsis: From the creator of the viral “Bones or No Bones” TikTok videos comes a sweet and entertaining picture book following Noodle the pug and his human as they navigate Noodle’s first No Bones Day—a day for being kind to yourself!

Noodle is a sweet, silly old pug who enjoys doing all his favorite activities with his favorite human, Jonathan. But one day when Jonathan goes to take Noodle on his morning walk, he finds Noodle still comfortable in bed. When Jonathan lifts Noodle up, Noodle just flops over. It’s almost like Noodle woke up without any bones!

Noodle isn’t sick or sad—but he also isn’t interested in going for walks or sitting outside (he will accept snacks, though). Today, all he needs are extra snuggles and belly rubs. Jonathan soon learns that not every day can be a Bones Day, and sometimes a No Bones Day is exactly what you need to get through the week.

Something Beautiful by Lita Judge (Atheneum Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster 6/7/ 2022) (Ages 4-8)

First off - I LOVE this cover! Beginning with a mouse and an elephant, these young animals discover that while it's easy to be friends with those like yourself, when you befriend others, you discover a world of fun, magic, and beauty. Turning tropes on their head - a flower-loving warthog, a giraffe & elephant in a tree, and a lion encouraging calm observation - Lita Judge creates an absolutely adorable romp with the most amazing facial expressions and a tender ending we can all use right now.

Synopsis: A trio of animal pals discover the beauty in making new friends in this tender and adorable picture book from Lita Judge, the beloved author-illustrator of Red Sled and Flight School.

Mouse, Elephant, and Giraffe have so much in common. They like the same games. They eat the same snacks. They don’t need anyone else! Or do they? When the group takes a chance on opening up, they discover that meeting someone new and seeing things from a new perspective can be truly wonderful.

Impossible Moon by Breanna J. McDaniel, illustrated by Tonya Engel (Denene Millner Books/Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers 6/14/2022) (Ages 5+)

An intriguing, modern fable about family and self-discovery, which envelopes and melds together some of the constellations with African myths & fables and African American history. Gorgeously, fanciful illustrations follow Mabel's mission to touch the moon and cure her grandma, while also offering a feeling that nothing is impossible, especially with a strong community, self-care, and dreams.

Synopsis: A young girl undertakes an impossible trip to the moon, makes friends with the stars, and brings back something priceless in this gentle and lyrically told picture book about family, history, and memory.

Grana used to tell the best stories, and Mabel used to long to soar through the heavens. Nowadays, Grana mostly lies in bed and Mabel stays close to home. But one day, Grana asks, “If we can touch the moon, then what is impossible?”

So Mabel decides to do just that, embarking on a journey through the stars where The Seven Sistahs, The Big Dipper, and other constellations help her on her quest and teach her about African mythology and African American history. With the support of her new companions, Mabel reaches for her biggest dream yet: to make her sick grandma well again.

Feeling Grateful: How to Add More Goodness to Your Gladness by Kobi Yamada, illustrated by Charles Santoso (Compendium 06/28/2022) (Ages 4+)

Created by one of my favorite super talented duos, this gorgeously illustrated book, features the most adorable bear cub and his sidekick duckling in spreads that alternate between focused use of white space and stunning full color spreads. This is a terrific "feel-good," bibliotherapy, and/or meditative book about celebrating and caring for others, as well as yourself. Taking the time to truly be present and experience all the wonders that the world has to offer. And being the good you want to see and experience in the world.

Synopsis: "Look closely. The extraordinary is hidden in the ordinary. It is in the appreciation of something that we really begin to see it."

From New York Times best-selling author Kobi Yamada comes an all-ages tale about the transformative power of gratitude. Through the adorable illustrated adventures of a cuddly bear cub, Feeling Grateful illuminates life's awe-inspiring wonders, both big and small. Each page is an invitation to slow down, look around, and delight in the world's simple, sacred moments.

Enjoy Feeling Grateful alongside its companion gift book, Finding Muchness. This illustrated book for adults is a heartwarming gift to celebrate a birthday or show appreciation to a friend. It features a debossed hardcover.

See You Someday Soon by Pat Zietlow Miller, illustrated by Suzy Lee (Roaring Brook Press/Macmillan Publishers 6/14/2022) (Ages 3 to 6+)

I mean honestly, who can resist a book by Pat Zietlow Miller! Especially such an imaginatively designed and illustrated one that will resonate with so many affected by Covid, climate, war, and life. A young boy, separated from his grandmother, brainstorms fantastical and realistic ways for them to remain connected and "present" in each other's lives until they can see each other. With a whispered, loving refrain - also the title, super fun die-cut elements, and a ton of creativity, this book is a joy to read and a reminder to stay in touch with family and friends. [Die-cut on inside flap of envelope.]

Synopsis: From the author of the mega-bestseller Be Kind comes a picture book for anyone who's ever loved someone far away.

Someday soon, I'll see you. Even though you are there. And I am here. So very far apart. In this heartfelt picture book, a child imagines ways to connect with a grandmother who lives far way. Whether by rocket ship or jet pack, train or in a plane, any journey is worth it to see someone you love. With an inviting, accessible text by Pat Zietlow Miller and inventive art from the critically-acclaimed illustrator Suzy Lee, this picture book reminds us that, no matter the physical distance between us, the people we care about are never far from our hearts. The book features clever and innovative die-cuts throughout, adding a creative, thoughtful, and discussion-worthy novelty aspect to this layered and deeply emotional story.


Maria Marshall

 Photograph © A. Marshall

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